Help deliver on a long-term vision for Ballina Shire
Welcome to the Saltwood @ Kinvara community engagement hub and your opportunity to have a say about long-held plans for urban development in the Ballina Shire at Kinvara.
On this hub you you can:
- See where the proposal is at in the approval process
- Review plans for the development
- Participate in the various community engagement opportunities to have your say.
The Kinvara area of the Ballina Shire has been earmarked for urban development since 2006. The area is already zoned for residential and urban use, and for a range of environmental and community outcomes.
The new community, currently referred to as Saltwood, is needed for the long-term supply of housing and community infrastructure for the Shire, the local workforce and improve affordability of housing.
Here is your opportunity to have a say on how zoned area should look, including how residential facilities including parklands, open spaces, and walkable areas and retail are developed.
Get Involved
Watch the public webinar from 23 October 2024 here.
Please note a change of location: Drop in session will be at Ballina Indoor Sports Centre, 63 Cherry Street, Ballina.
Please note a change of location: Drop in session will be at Ballina Indoor Sports Centre, 63 Cherry Street, Ballina.
Please note a change of location: Drop in session will be at Ballina Indoor Sports Centre, 63 Cherry Street, Ballina.
Where are we up to?
As the first major step to progress future development at Kinvara the project owners lodged a proposed amendment to the 2012 Development Control Plan (DCP) with the Ballina Shire Council in April 2024.
The existing DCP covers zoning and other key land use controls for Kinvara. The proposed amendment was generally required to bring the DCP up planning standards of today.
The Ballina Shire Council deliberated on the proposed DCP amendments at its April 2024 meeting and endorsed the draft amendments for public exhibition. Following review and public feedback, the DCP amendments were approved by the Council on 22 August 2024.
The project owners have now released a draft masterplan for the development for public comment. Feedback on the draft masterplan will be used to inform a development application for Stage 1 of the project and planning of the balance land.